Welcome to Gerhard Schaden's Homepage!
I am a Maître de Conférences (associate professor) at the Université de Lille, in the Faculty of Humanities, and more precisely, the Departement of Linguistics.
I am also affiliated to the CNRS-laboratory Savoirs, Textes, Langage (UMR 8063).
Since Septembre 2023, and until August 2025, I am on sabbatical at the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (UMR 7110).
Postal Address
Université de Lille
Domaine Universitaire du "Pont de Bois
Rue du Barreau
BP 60149
59653 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex
firstname dot name at univ-lille.fr
CV (in pdf-format)
CV in English
Research Interests
I am mainly interested in meaning in natural languages, how it is encoded, how it is expressed, and how it can change through time.
More specifically, these are the domains that I am interested in, and have done research on (in no particular order):
- Formal semantics, and the syntax-semantics interface
- Pragmatics (and especially in non-cooperative frameworks/set-ups)
- Discourse phenomena (focus particles, argumentation, …)
- Formal accounts of language change
- Competition between forms, and its impact on meaning
For a full list of what I have written, please see my publications.